A Car Wreck Made in Washington
Can Democrats afford to let Detroit succeed?
The wrong folks were in the witness chairs in last week's congressional hearings on auto doom. A fantastic moment was Massachusetts Rep. Stephen Lynch assailing Rick Wagoner about whether GM was asking China for a bailout too. The implication seemed to be that GM can't afford its inflated UAW pay packages because it's squandering money to build cars in China.
Mr. Wagoner mildly answered that GM's China operations are profitable. They actually help to underwrite the massive losses in the U.S.
Mr. Lynch showed no sign he was actually listening, having illustrated his disapproval of foreigners. He didn't ask the obvious question: If GM can make cars profitably in China, why doesn't GM import them to the U.S.?
For that matter, any of the brainpans on the Hill might have asked why Ford and GM managed to build viable auto businesses all over the world but not in North America.
You don't need the Hubble telescope to tell the answer: The UAW is present only in the U.S., not all over the world.
What you wouldn't know is that the single biggest factor in preserving the UAW's monopolistic power has not been labor law but Congress's fuel-economy rules. These effectively have required the Big Three to lose tens of billions making small cars at a loss in UAW factories. Not only were the companies obliged to forgo profits they might have earned importing such cars, but CAFE deprived them of crucial leverage to control labor costs by threatening to move jobs to a factory in Spain or Taiwan or Poland. (Let's face it, that's what other successful U.S. manufacturers do.)
All this was deliberately designed to give the UAW the means to defend uncompetitive wages in the face of a globalizing auto business. It had nothing to do with making sure Americans have high-mileage cars. Yet not a single legislator last week breathed a hint of recognition that something might be behind Detroit's woes other than an improbable series of "stupid decisions" (as another Massachusetts congressman put it) by 18 CEOs over 30 years.
There's a larger lesson here for the Obama administration. A whole lot of Rube Goldbergism is coming home to roost, in the auto business, in the mortgage market, in the health-care market, in farm policy. We need to simple-down. The economy has a giant adjustment ahead, paying off debts, going from a heavy absorber of foreign capital and goods to a rebalanced relationship with the world.
The good news is that we have a natively resilient, flexible economy capable of making these adjustments -- unless bound up in Rube Goldbergian mandates. Barack Obama, bless his heart, may or may not be ready for what's coming his way. Yet his objectives are perfectly amenable to the simple-down approach.
He asked on Monday for Detroit to deliver a "plan" somehow to reconcile, at long last, the fantasy life of Washington, with nobody losing a job, with super energy-efficient cars, and yet somehow all this being done at a profit to Detroit.
Here's a plan, but it requires Mr. Obama to play a role too, finally relinquishing such chronic free-lunchism where autos are concerned. He should simply get rid of the CAFE rules and impose a gasoline tax to move the country to a "new energy economy," if he really believes in panicky climate predictions and/or that "energy independence" would be a net improver of American welfare. And be prepared for Detroit to shift jobs offshore if the UAW won't concede competitive labor agreements.
Not acceptable? Here's an alternative plan: Buy out the UAW with taxpayer dollars and free the Big Three to staff their factories with nonunion workers the way Toyota and Honda and BMW do. Last week's Hill circus notwithstanding, the negotiation that really needs to take place now is between Democrats and their union allies. The Big Three executives are just in the way.
Of course, Mr. Obama may have ideas of his own. His climate speech last week was Rube on steroids, aimed at creating whole client sectors of the economy dependent on his favor and endlessly flowing subsidies. It would be a poor excuse indeed of an economic depression that didn't create demagogic opportunities to boss around entire patches of the economy and extract political rents for doing so. There will be plenty of scope for Mr. Obama to head in this direction if he chooses.
Then again, he might just hand the next election cycle to the GOP, assuming Republicans can figure out that they're supposed to be the party of non-Rube-Goldberg government.
Obama's Rich Revelation
Peter Orszag's mission improbable.
Barack Obama yesterday introduced his new White House budget director, Peter Orszag, vowing to conduct a "line by line" review of the federal fisc. Most incoming chief executives promise that sort of thing. But here's a detail that really caught our eye: As part of his plan to kill government programs "that have outlived their usefulness," the President-elect singled out farm subsidies for the rich.
If he really means it, this would be big news. Mr. Obama cited a recent Government Accountability Office report that found that of the 1.8 million people receiving farm payments from 2003 to 2006, nearly 3,000 had incomes above $2.5 million, which ought to make them ineligible for aid. Nevertheless, they cashed in to the tune of some $49 million. Having written 40,000 or so editorials against this corporate welfare over the years, we'd love to see a Democrat join the fight.
However, there is the small matter of where Senator Obama was on this issue when we really needed him. The 2008 farm bill -- which set national policy for five years -- was a perfect chance for real change thanks to surging crop prices, record farm income and a President unconcerned about re-election.
President Bush actually sought a $200,000 annual income cap on subsidy payments, but Congress couldn't bring itself to vote on anything below $750,000. And even that got killed by the likes of Senate Budget Chairman Kent Conrad, who as it happens helped Mr. Orszag get his current job running the Congressional Budget Office. The Members ended up passing a $300 billion bill in which nearly every crop, from corn to sugar, won subsidy increases. Mr. Bush vetoed it in May but was overridden.
The vote in the Senate was 82 to 13. Mr. Obama missed the roll call, issuing a campaign statement saying that the bill was "far from perfect" and would have preferred "tighter payment limits." However, he added that "with so much at stake, we cannot make the perfect the enemy of the good." And he then went on to rake Mr. Bush and John McCain (who opposed the bill) for "saying no to America's farmers and ranchers, no to energy independence, no to the environment, and no to millions of hungry people." In other words, given the chance to support cuts in farm subsidies for the rich, Mr. Obama chose instead to attack his Republican opponents for doing precisely that.
The Office of the Presidency can be educational for its occupants. So perhaps Mr. Obama has had a revelation now that he knows he will soon be responsible for any excessive spending. Given his plan to spend some $500 billion to $700 billion on "stimulus," he's going to need every penny in savings he can get. We can't wait to see Mr. Orszag lead the charge against his former patrons on Capitol Hill.
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Senior Senate Republicans who battled former President Clinton on budget and tax issues are applauding the return of his economic team to President-elect Barack Obama’s White House. Summers served as Treasury Secretary and Geithner also worked at Treasury during the Clinton administration, when the nation saw booming economic growth. Geithner served under Summers as undersecretary for international development. |
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