Friday, January 23, 2009


We're back! Yes, the authors of the book, "Who is the REAL Barack Obama? For the rising generation, by the rising generation," took a little hiatus. We have to admit, after a long election season we were tired. (We have day jobs you know).

Kudos to Barack Obama. He campaigned more than 21 months and still has the energy to be President. We also applaud his demeanor and humility since being elected. And, we applaud his making history as the first black President.

While history was made, we can't get all teary eyed for too long, for the future of liberty is at stake. And, President Obama is already marching us towards socialism, appeasement to terrorists, and an absolute disregard for innocent human life. But Americans are still cheering. The media is still in awe. Even the Republican Party doesn't know how to react. Someone needs to kick all of them in the ass, and we are ready to do so.

Please revisit our blog:

We will post new entries at least a few times a week in reaction to what's going on to keep you informed and help you keep others informed. The fight for liberty is a never-ending battle that must be waged and we intend to keep waging it, despite the odds.

As James Madison said many years ago, "There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation."

Every time you see a good post (you know, one you like) on our website, please use your facebook page to "share a link" in your facebook profile. It will show up in all of your friends' news feeds and multiply the effects of this information. Just click the title of the unique blog post you wish to share. This will help spread the word to people and awaken them to how their liberties are being taken by "silent encroachments."

The first blog post is how America is already less safe under President Obama. Find out why:


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